About Me

I have been blessed with creativity – baking, cooking, sewing (occasion garments), drawing and painting – but baking is the one that I am drawn to the most.

For me baking is a creative process and it has to be done with love, it is all about the end product and the look of happiness on the customers face when they see their cake.

I have been baking theme cakes for as long as I can remember, my earliest memory of baking is of making my first cake at the age of 12 – a recipe my mom used. Baking is a passion and although stressful at times it kind of relaxes me.  

Welcome To

The Butterfly Bakery

Theme cakes, cupcakes and biscuits. We take pride in using the best ingredients when baking our cupcakes, cakes, biscuits and desserts.

It’s about spreading happiness, one cake at a time.